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Considerations and usability of the law to “exnovate” unsustainable E-commerce (with focus on BCR)

"E-shopping," is in. Lately, e-commerce increased significantly especially during the lock down due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Studies show that in 2019 nearly 3/4 of Belgians made at least one purchase online. Whereas some applaud this digital transition, others are criticizing it because of the adverse sustainability impact. Opinions on this are thus divided. Regardless of whether e-commerce really outperforms (or not) brick-and-mortar commerce in terms of sustainability, the point bears the question if and how local authorities can steer towards a sustainable e-shopping (and exnovate unsustainable practices).


We have explored this question from the perspective of the Brussels Capital Region and share our outputs in this online information session.

After explaining what sustainability issues are in respect of e-commerce, we explain to what extent Brussels can intervene and whether we believe the Brussels Capital Region is sufficiently equipped from legal perspective to exnovate unsustainable e-commerce.

Join us in discussing our findings on the usability of the law as a tool for a sustainable E-commerce.


Dr. Ela Callorda Fossati & Dr. Solène Sureau will introduce the discussion by explaining the context of research on exnovation, from a socio-environmental dynamics perspective.

Prof. Dr. R. Feltkamp and Mr. T.B. Hermans will elaborate more in detail their findings and conclusions of their research paper: “De transitie naar een (meer) duurzame samenleving en e-commerce : hoe kunnen regionale overheden daartoe bijdragen ? Een analyse vanuit het perspectief van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest”, prepared as part of the interdisciplinary VUB/ULB research project, funded by Innoviris.

We will dive into frequently remarked but sometimes less obvious “issues” regarding the sustainability of E-commerce and we’ll give you our view on how these issues can be linked with competences of the Brussels Capital Region to then further take a look at the law and how it can play a role and serve as a tool to address these issues and possibly resolve them.


Date:   15 December 2022                 Time: 12h30 – 14h                              Location: MS-Teams


  • Welcome speech
  • General Introduction by Dr. Ela Callorda Fossati  & Dr. Solène Sureau
  • Considerations and legal tools for sustainable E-commerce – Prof. Dr. Régine Feltkamp and Mr. Tim Hermans
  • Questions/ discussion


Are you intrigued, excited or curious about sustainability? Or maybe you are an E-commerce enthusiast? Or both?
Do you wish to participate in an approachable and interactive debate?
Don’t hesitate and participate!
Make sure to sign up and join our discussion.


Le 15/12/2022
à 1212120909



chantier concerné

Commerce de détail

domaine de recherche

Approche juridique

type de public

Acteurs bruxellois
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